Neonatology Clinic

Neonatology Clinic

Our Neonatology Clinic attends to newborns with various conditions 

Our experienced doctors are there to help diagnose and treat any  breathing disorders, infections, and birth defects conditions on your newborn

Neonatology Clinic

Welcome to our dedicated Neonatology Clinic, where we provide exceptional care for our tiniest and most fragile patients. Our clinic is designed to meet the unique needs of newborns, particularly those who require specialized medical attention.

Our team of highly skilled and compassionate neonatologists, nurses, and support staff are committed to providing the highest standard of care for premature infants, critically ill newborns, and babies born with complex medical conditions. We understand the delicate nature of neonatal care and prioritize creating a warm and nurturing environment for both our patients and their families.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and facilities, our Neonatology Clinic offers a comprehensive range of services, including advanced monitoring systems, specialized incubators, and neonatal intensive care units. We work closely with other pediatric subspecialties, such as pediatric surgeons, geneticists, and cardiologists, to ensure a multidisciplinary approach to care.

Whether it’s respiratory support, nutritional management, or treatment for congenital anomalies, our clinic is equipped to handle a wide array of neonatal conditions. We offer round-the-clock care, ensuring that our little patients receive continuous monitoring and prompt intervention when needed.

At our Neonatology Clinic, we understand the emotional journey that families experience during this critical period. Our team provides support, education, and counseling to parents, empowering them to actively participate in their baby’s care and make informed decisions.

Rest assured that your newborn’s health and well-being are our top priorities. Trust our Neonatology Clinic to provide expert, compassionate care for your precious bundle of joy.

Colic is a word used to describe the moments when your otherwise healthy baby cries excessively and cannot be soothed. This is the type of crying where your child is not consolable after you have made sure everything is okay including changing their diaper and feeding them well. It may drive you as the parent to tears. It is exhausting to the mother as it occurs even when you are trying to rest or sleep.
All children cry, but to objectively describe this crying we use the number three(3). It occurs when your baby is BELOW 3 MONTHS OR THEREABOUT, your baby may cry for MORE THAN THREE HOURS in a day and these episodes occur on MORE THAN THREE DAYS in a week.
Your baby will appear flushed when he/she cries
Your baby`s tummy will be rumbly or he/she may have wind
Your baby may appear to be pulling their legs, arching their back and clenching their fists as they cry
Yes, it is important to seek a professional medical opinion to make sure there is no other cause for the crying.
You will be asked to elaborate more about the moments, durations and timings when your baby cries. Carry a diary if you feel you may not be able to remember the details.
You may take a video of your child during the episodes to allow the doctor to observe the exact behaviour and make a more informed diagnosis
Have a record of your child`s feeds and timing.
The doctor will examine your baby fully. Carry a changing bag as you will be required to completely undress him/her.
Be ready to demonstrate how you breastfeed your baby and receive guidance on how you can improve this technique.
Be ready to demonstrate how you burp your child and receive advice on various methods
A colicky baby is usually a healthy baby. If your doctor picks up anything they would like to confirm from your history and their examination, they may send you to the laboratory for some tests or refer you to the specialist neonatology clinic.
Your baby has a weak, high pitched or abnormal sounding cry
Your child gets floppy when you pick them up
Your child refuses to breastfeed
Your child has a breathing problem
Your child develops a fever
Your child looks pale
You see blood in your child`s stool
Your child has fewer wet nappies than usual
Your child`s umbilical cord starts oozing or bleeding
Up to date experts do not know what causes colic in some babies and not others. You may read and get advice that may be conflicting from various sources including internet sites, social media sites , your mother-in-law and other mothers on various theories but do not give your child any concussion or over the counter remedy before you consult your paediatrician. Some research suggests that it is part of a child`s development of the digestive system that makes wind/gas an issue but this research is still ongoing.
Once your paediatrician has confirmed that all is well with your baby, there are a few methods that other mothers have found to soothe colicky babies. These may/ may not work for your child and may work on some days and not others. These include:-

Establish a pattern of feeding and settling in response to your child.
Avoid excessive stimulation such as noise, light and handling.
Calm your baby with skin-to-skin contact when you sense they are about to start crying
Massage your babies tummy to help the wind and stool
Try a warm bath
Burp your child correctly after every feed especially at night. Be patient each time.
Try rocking your baby gently
Sing to your baby or play any white noise that he/she may like
Use the correct techniques to breastfeed your baby that ensure he/she doesn’t swallow so much air. These may be taught to you at a well-baby clinic, outpatient clinic or by your paediatrician
No. Infants with colic are well and thriving. Colic is more distressing to the carers ( mother, father, nanny, neighbours and other household members) than to the child. Always remember it will pass in a few weeks.
Take your child to the general outpatient clinic for confirmation and reassurance that nothing else is causing your child to cry. This information will relive you a great deal.

Make sure you carry out your part by responsive feeding (above) , using the correct technique to breastfeed your baby at all times and burp your child properly.
Remind yourself that your baby`s crying is NOT your fault and he/she won’t hurt him/herself. It does not in any way reflect on your parenting skills
Remind yourself that it will pass. Just give it time
Place your baby safely in a cot/Moses basket and give yourself timed 5 minutes as time out in a different room. Practice deep breathing. ( Video link)
If your partner/ mother-in-law or any other help is available take turns to soothe the baby. If you are alone try the suggested techniques above.
When your baby is sleeping and calm, rest as a mother. This should include the daytime. Politely explain to any visitors you may have the issue. A majority of considerate relatives, friends and previous mothers will understand.
Enjoy the good times you have with your baby and remember them during your time out.
If you are still struggling with colic seek further support a counsellor.
Experts confirm that colic mixtures are of NO proven benefit. They are rarely indicated.
Weaning from breastmilk has NO benefit. Maintain the 6 months exclusive breastfeeding schedule as recommended.

Formulae changes are usually not helpful unless there is proven cow’s milk allergy or lactose intolerance for those already on formulae.

    Book An Appointment

    Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.

    Emergency Cases

    Please feel welcome to contact our us with any general or medical enquiry call us.

    Specialist Clinic Days

    Monday – Friday 8.00 – 7:00 pm
    Saturday 9.00 – 8.00 pm
    Sunday 10.00 – 9.00 pm